7 linie abatorizare

Sheep Slaughter Lines

Sheep Slaughtering Lines

BARONCINI offers slaughtering lines for sheep, with capacities from 50 up to 600 units/hour, adapted to your requests and corresponding to the european sanitary norms, as well as to the USDA norms.

The plants include ritual or traditional stunning boxes, automatic bleeding on conveyors, inspection conveyors for organs, dehiding machines, automatic weighting and selection systems, accessories for slaughtering operations: shears for hooves, skinning knives, etc.

We deliver with our lines control panels with various informatization levels and with the possibility to implement the traceability system.
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Sheep Slaughtering Lines

  • Precooling
  • Islamic Stunning Sheep Box
    Islamic Stunning Sheep Box
  • Bleeding Line
    Bleeding Line
  • Preskinning
  • Slaughtering Line
    Slaughtering Line
  • Weighing Classification
    Weighing Classification
  • Cooling
  • Stunning Sheep Box
    Stunning Sheep Box
  • Skinning
  • Restrainer
  • Organs Inspection Line
    Organs Inspection Line

email: office@baroncini.ro
tel/fax (004) 021 335.68.59
3rd Dimitrie Cantemir Blvd, 4th Flat, #41
040231 District 4 Romania EU