
Baroncini - Italian High Class

Everything for meat industry and beyond

In 1947, in the north of Italy, BARONCINI story started with two friends named Baroncini Edmondo and Utignani Giuseppe who founded BARONCINI Company.

The policy of the company to offer a complete service to its clients from planning to personal training has been transmitted from generation to generation.

In these 70 years of experience, BARONCINI realized hundreds of slaughterhouses in Italy and other countries as well.

Our company offers projecting, delivery, assembly, start up and manutention for slaughter and debooning lines.

All the slaughtering and deboning plants are realized according to the customer requests and comply with the european norms, veterinary laws and traceability rules.

In 2003 we opened Baroncini Est company, in Bucharest with the purpose to offer projecting, delivery, assembly, start-up and manutention for slaughter lines and deboning lines.

In 2013 Tekitalia was founded, with registred office in Colombia, from where BARONCINI company assisted directly the South American market.

Also because we always improve and raise the quality of our services, we started to offer additional services to our clients.

Our offer covers the full range of equipment and accessories like shockproof protection, biological waste water treatment and all the equipment for a hygienic environment.

For agricultural companies or agro tourism companies who have small capacity (less than 10.000 heads per year) BARONCINI recommends the container type of modular slaughterhouse for per day or per week for birds, rabbits, sheep or swine.

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email: office@baroncini.ro
tel/fax (004) 021 335.68.59
3rd Dimitrie Cantemir Blvd, 4th Flat, #41
040231 District 4 Romania EU